Friday 28 October 2011

Class notes on 'Hollywood: The Film Industry'

The Hollywood majors
Major studios are vertically, horizontally and laterally intergrated.

Production - sound - equipment - studios - publicity

High concept: Special effects and stars

Oligopoly: A market dominated by a few companies

'The big six': Disney, MGM, Sony, Universal, Paramount and Fox

The big six films are often sequels, prequels and re-makes or based on a successful book, Tv programme or video game.

Distribution Windows

Conglomerates will try and use synergy

Synergy is where multiple products and services are created on the basis of a successful brand within the same corporation.

Press junkets: Organised by distributors to generate press intrest.

For major blockbusters the marketing and advertising budget may exceed the production cost.

Hollywood majors

Big budget films are usually released across a large number of screens simultaneously.

'High concept' films are usually given what is called a saturation blanket.

Multiplexes only use one projectionist

Multiplexes are more profitable because:
- They house alot of screens
- They are usually close to shopping centres
- They fit lots of people

Independent Films
Independent films are exhibited at film festivals to find distributors for wider release.


Film Festivals: Try to get films released and viewed by journalists.

Above the Line: A type of advertising through media,such as television, cinema, radio, print, web banners and web search engines to promote brands. This type of communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to customers.

Below the Line: Is efficient and cost effective for targeting a limited group.

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